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All prices include VAT and exclude shipping costs. You will find the shipping cost for various countries under "Delivery & Shipping costs”.

When we receive an order, we check it on the following items before we ship it out:

  1. Address details
    The contact details you have provided will be verified. If the details are correct we will continue to process the order. If the details are incorrect we will contact you.
  2. Payment
    Once we have received the total amount we will continue processing the order.
  3. Product availability
    When the ordered product is in stock, the order will be sent when all your details are correct and we have received your payment.
    Because products are continuously ordered, it is possible that an article is temporarily sold out while this is not indicated in the webshop. Should this apply to your order, you will be informed by us immediately.
    If you have ordered more than one product, they will all be shipped together. The product with the longest delivery time thus determines the delivery time of your order.

Top Quality

CarParts-Expert stands for quality. We place high demands on the material and fit of all our products. And all that at competitive prices.

25 years experience

CarParts-Expert has over 25 years experience in the development and production of professional car accessories. Every day we deliver our products to many customers around the world.

Painting Service

Some products can be painted in the body colour of your car. The in-house paint shop of CarParts-Expert offers a top quality finish at a fair price.

Professional service

Do you have questions about a product, its mounting etc.? CarParts-Expert gives you a quick and professional advice. Send an Email to or call us at +31 (0) 416 - 235 600.