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Car sun shades accessories

When you bought sunblinds and lost or broke some clips we offer a variety of spare clips for your CarShades or Sonniboy car sunshade set. Check the manual of your set to see which mounting clips are needed, or compare the clips with the provided pictures at CarParts-Expert.

If you decide to not use the set of sunblinds for a while we also provide for a storagebag.

Car sun shades accessories for Cupra Ateca | 2018-present

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Frequently asked questions

Are the car sun shades accessories in stock?

Our product pages indicate whether the car sun shades accessory is in stock. Once you have selected car sun shades accessories and are on the product page, you can see above the 'Add to Cart' button whether the car sun shades accessories you have chosen are available from stock.

If the car sun shades accessory is available from stock and you place your order before 2:30 PM and payment has been received, your order will be shipped on the same working day.

Is the car sun shades accessory not available from stock? In that case, the expected period within which your order will be shipped will be indicated. This varies per type of car sun shades accessory.

When the car sun shades accessory you have ordered is not in stock, you will be informed by email about the expected shipping date.

Do you have questions about the status of your order or any other inquiries? Contact us at +31 416 235 600 (on working days between 9:00 AM - 0:30 PM and 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM) or send an email with your question to

Will the car sun shades accessory fit my car?

When you are on the car sun shades accessories category page, you can select your car under 'Your Car Model.' After selecting your car model, you will be directed to all car sun shades accessories suitable for your car. Make sure you have chosen the correct car model, as an incorrect selection may result in an unsuitable car sun shades accessory for your car.

All car sun shades accessories have a product title and description that indicate which car the product fits. If you have a special edition of a car, pay close attention when choosing a suitable car sun shades accessory. Any specific details or additional information are always provided by us under the product title.

If you are unsure whether the car sun shades accessory fits your car or have any other questions, contact us at +31 416 235 600 (on working days between 9:00 AM - 0:30 PM and 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM) or send an email with your question to

What is your shipping time?

The shipping time varies depending on the type of product and is indicated for all our products. If the product is in stock and you have ordered and paid before 2:30 PM, your order will be shipped the same working day with the transport service of your choice. Within the Netherlands, your package will almost always be delivered to you one day after shipment. In the rest of Europe, delivery time is 2-7 working days, depending on the country of destination. The mentioned shipping time is an estimate and cannot be guaranteed.

If the product is not in stock, we will order it from our supplier and your order will be temporarily placed on backorder. We will then state on the product page within which period we expect to ship your order. Once we receive your product from our supplier, we will process your order and ship it using your chosen shipping service.

Do you still have questions about the shipping time or any other inquiries? Contact us at +31 416 235 600 (on working days between 9:00 AM - 0:30 PM and 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM) or send an email with your question to

What are your shipping costs?

The shipping costs vary depending on the type of product, the transport service, the weight, and the dimensions of the product you have ordered. Once you have added the product to your shopping cart, you can see the different shipping methods and the shipping costs under 'Shipping method'.

If you do not want to pay shipping costs, you can choose to pick up the order at our location in Waalwijk (only for customers in Belgium or in The Netherlands). If the product is in stock, you can usually pick it up on the same day. If the product is not in stock, we will indicate on the product page the timeframe within which your order will be ready for pickup. In both cases, wait for the email notifying you that your order is ready for pickup.

Do you have questions about the shipping costs or any other inquiries? Contact us at +31 416 235 600 (on working days between 9:00 AM - 0:30 PM and 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM) or send an email with your question to

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